Control Room for Paper Mill Corrugator
Sound attenuation of 45 decibels
- Industry: Paper Mill
- Location: West Coast, USA
- Sound Attenuation: 45 decibels
- Assembly: Modular Field Assembly
- Noise Source: BHS Corrugator
This paper mill, located on the West Coast of the United States, recently invested in a new BHS corrugator. Along with the corrugator, the mill needed two acoustic modular buildings to protect operators from the noisy environment.
The first building is a control room for the BHS corrugator machine. The control panels of the equipment were installed inside the Mecart control room.
The second soundproof building is divided into two rooms: a break room for 4 to 6 people, and an office for 1-2 people.
Both acoustic modular buildings provide a sound attenuation of 45 decibels.